Week 2

 The Social Foundations of Education

    For the first topic, I can conclude that education and society are related to one another. It somehow showing us how public institutions and individual experiences affect education also expose its outcomes. Basically, there are 4 influences that can effect education such as social forces, economic forces, political forces and technological development. Regarding with the social forces, it has been stated that background variables including family income, family type, family size and parents' education determines the amount and quality of education. For example, children who are coming from families with problems usually perform lower than the rest. As for the economic forces, the level and rate of economic development of a country determines the decline or advancement of education. As an explanation, its need a stronger economy of a country to provide free education for the citizens. However, for the political forces, education has been regarded as the main agent for the political socialization where it preserve the status quo. In other words, the values of political structures normally determine the dominant values that will be taught to the students in school. Lastly, the technology development really give positive impact on education. It helps students to have better access resources at the same time increase students' engagement. Meanwhile from the negative side, it also can distract the students' attention in the class. 
