Week 9

 Cultural Plurality, National Unity (A case of Malaysia)

    It is an interesting topic but, I want to add something. Regarding of relationship between multi-racial society and education in Malaysia, I see that as an asset to the country. As we know, it is not an easy job unite all races under one curriculum or education system. It is because since the era of British colonization, it has been separated by the divide and rule policy. Therefore, since that we can see many approach or idea which aims to unite the races found a dead end such as Barnes Report and Education Ordinance 1952. However, after a hurricane comes a rainbow. We can see that from the Education Act 1961, all of the good things happen which produces innovation and improvement in our education system until today. Actually, the process that we are going through since the black era the now need to be appreciate for that what made Malaysian's education unique and known in the world. As a proof, Malaysia have integrated education and curriculum where the black and the white have the same access to education. In brief, despite on challenges in our education, we still manage to go through it with cooperation of multi-racial society. 
