Week 3

School as A Social Institution

    In this topic, they are five main points that I find a quite interesting. Firstly, the meaning of social itself define that it was established as a social organization where it transfer the values of community through the planned educational experiences to the younger generation. Secondly, as a school known as a holder of a set of practices which determines what is exemplary behaviors, it actually tell us that it also established sets of norms that support each society's survival. So basically, every society has mainly five social institutions where it has identifiable structure and a set of functions such as school, government, family, religion and media. Next, school is not only set up to exhibit a balance education between students' education and life however, it also expected to accelerate social changes. To support this point, the government always try to find the type of school which would satisfy this centuries-old aspiration. Additionally, although the function of the school has changed through centuries, fortunately it has retained the character of institution which creates middle class and political elites. On the other hand, I can't deny that parents, pupils, teachers and politicians are dissatisfied with present-day education due to the high level of depression among students. Lastly, as we live in Malaysia unity is a sensitive issue therefore education plays a key role in establishing peace and harmony in this country. The launching of Malaysia Education Blueprint is one of the government way to prevent this matter. 

