Week 6

Social Forces Influencing Education and The School

    There are several forces that can influencing education and the school. First and the foremost, changing family structure. The types of family structure determines the student's potential and ability in terms of academic and their performance in the school. According to the data shown  in the class, the highest percentage of students who get mostly A's in school are come from intact married family while the lowest percentage of it are coming from the always single-parent family. Apart from this, the social issues that arise in the family may affect the education and schooling also. For example, changes in the family dynamic include divorcing parents may upsetting the child. Additionally, financial instability that occurs in the family will lead to the lower scores of a children in vocabulary skills. Next, sibling bullying can affect the self-esteem of a children and cause emotional problems. Secondly, crime and violence are proven that it can affects education and schooling. As student get bullied by their classmate or schoolmate, they have the tendency to escape from the school or not attending the class at all. As a result, he or she may not achieving proper educational objectives. As for the school, bullying can tarnish the school name and the society will have difficulty in trusting the teacher and the school community. However, actually all of these matters can be prevented with the cooperation between the family and the school. 
